You have how much? And you want more? I'll tell you what, you're lucky you have what you own now. There are thousands of people in this country alone who don't even posses half of what you hold. At least you have a place to sleep, meals to eat, and loved ones to care for you. God has blessed you with everything you need. Be content with what you have.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Part 4: From Hopelessness to Hope
Same as usual? Got it.
I know what you mean. I've seen a lot crappy things go on in my life. And more times than not, it seems like the bad out weighs the good. You get to that point where things seem hopeless. Yeah I have been there, in fact I continue to find myself in those situations... it's a natural part of life. But more times than not things work out for the better. I had this group come in one evening, upset in multiple ways. I couldn't help but eavesdrop after placing their drinks on the table. Something about a school not being able to open and that there were too many hurdles to jump. It seemed... hopeless. I am not sure what happened for a few months, but one night they came back and their attitudes were entirely different. They were happy, proud, and joyous. I asked what the occasion was and they responded with, "We have been working for about four years to get our school open and it is finally complete!" They went on, telling me about all the hurdles they jumped through, the disappointments, misunderstandings and miscommunications. They had been wondering if it was really worth the effort. After a very long wait, a Christian (Lutheran) school will open this fall on an indian reservation. Giving another fantastic chance to spread the word of God!
Though things in life cause you to experience hopelessness, to the point of giving up, don't. Hold on as tight as you can cause it's going to be a bumpy ride. Remember, God can do anything according to His will. There are some things in life we want or think we need, but only God truly knows what is best. He will grant our prayers if He knows that it will benefit us.
Don't give up, stand up for what you believe and fight for it! Even if it takes you several years to reach that goal.
I think you've been listening too much 'cause your beer is more than half full! Drink up, and I'll get you another one.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Part 3: Do the Work Yourself
What'll it be? Com'n right up! Need a light? 
I know, doesn't it just drive you nuts when people expect others to do the work for them? What is wrong with today's society? I had a teacher come in here a while back who had a student with that same mentality. What made it worse is that his mother encouraged him to act in such manner. He refused to think for himself and expected, on a regular basis, to be given the answers so that he could move on and go play. It got to the point that this particular student decided not to do his homework and get this... the mother blamed the teacher for him not completing his work! On top of that, the teacher held him in at recess to get his work finished, instead of failing him, and the mother got pissed, claiming it to be unfair.
Why is poor behavior and lack of effort rewarded these days. This nation wants to thrive on mediocrity. Heck, we award children for receiving last place in a contest. What is that about? This only encourages them to NOT try instead of bettering themselves! How can we expect to improve ourselves and move forward if we continue this behavior. Are we, as a nation, truly this lazy? There are somethings in life that we may not want to do, but we need to. For example, this floor needs striped of old wax and replaced with a new coat. It is a lot of work and I would rather have someone else do it. But it's my job and when it is all completed I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. In fact, I take better care of this floor than before now that I have put forth all that effort. When things are done for us or given to us, many tend to take it for granted. They don't cherish what they have and eventually lose the desire to keep what they have.

Education is essential to all life skills and if we continue with the mentality of allowing others to do the work for us, we won't learn a thing and become, well, useless. It is our God given duty to do our best in everything, not to try our best, but do. "Do, or do not, there is not try"
Want another one? There ya go, on the house!
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